Accessibility Statement

Commitment to Inclusive Access

VanCorp is dedicated to providing an inclusive and accessible digital experience for all users, including those with disabilities. We believe that everyone should have equal access to our services, products, and information, and we are committed to ensuring that our digital platforms meet the highest accessibility standards. This Accessibility Statement outlines our ongoing efforts to enhance accessibility and our commitment to creating an inclusive environment for all.

1. Our Commitment to Accessibility

At VanCorp, accessibility is a core value that guides the design and development of our digital content. We are committed to making our website and digital services accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. Our goal is to ensure that everyone, including people with disabilities, can interact with our digital content with ease and confidence.

Key Points:

  • Inclusivity: Ensure that our digital platforms are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.

  • Ongoing Improvement: Continuously improve our digital accessibility to meet and exceed relevant standards.

  • User-Centered Design: Focus on creating user-friendly and accessible experiences for all.

2. Standards and Guidelines

VanCorp strives to adhere to the highest accessibility standards and guidelines in the development and maintenance of our digital platforms. Our accessibility efforts are guided by the following standards:

  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG): We aim to comply with the WCAG 2.1 Level AA standards, which provide a comprehensive set of guidelines for making web content more accessible.

  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): We are committed to ensuring that our digital content complies with the ADA, which prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities.

  • Section 508: We follow the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, which mandates accessibility for electronic and information technology.

Key Points:

  • WCAG Compliance: Strive to meet WCAG 2.1 Level AA standards for web accessibility.

  • ADA Compliance: Ensure digital content adheres to the ADA's accessibility requirements.

  • Section 508: Align our practices with Section 508 standards for accessible technology.

3. Accessibility Features

VanCorp’s digital platforms incorporate a range of accessibility features designed to improve the user experience for individuals with disabilities. These features include:

  • Keyboard Navigation: Ensure that all interactive elements can be accessed and used via keyboard navigation.

  • Screen Reader Compatibility: Optimize our content for screen readers, allowing visually impaired users to navigate and understand our website.

  • Text Alternatives: Provide text alternatives for non-text content, such as images, videos, and infographics, to ensure all users can access the information.

  • Responsive Design: Implement responsive design practices to ensure that our content is accessible and usable on all devices, including mobile phones and tablets.

Key Points:

  • Keyboard Accessibility: Enable full keyboard navigation for all interactive elements.

  • Screen Reader Support: Ensure compatibility with screen readers for visually impaired users.

  • Text Alternatives: Provide alternative text for images and non-text content.

  • Responsive Design: Create a seamless and accessible experience across all devices.

4. Ongoing Accessibility Efforts

Accessibility is an ongoing process at VanCorp. We are committed to continuously improving our digital platforms to ensure they remain accessible and user-friendly for everyone. Our ongoing efforts include:

  • Regular Audits: Conducting regular accessibility audits to identify and address any barriers to access.

  • User Feedback: Actively seeking and incorporating feedback from users with disabilities to improve accessibility.

  • Staff Training: Providing training for our web development and content teams to ensure they are equipped with the knowledge and skills to create accessible content.

Key Points:

  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly audit and update our digital platforms for accessibility.

  • User-Centered Feedback: Encourage and incorporate feedback from users with disabilities.

  • Training and Awareness: Provide ongoing training for staff on best practices for accessibility.

5. Third-Party Content and Tools

VanCorp recognizes that third-party content and tools may be integrated into our digital platforms. While we strive to ensure that all content meets accessibility standards, we acknowledge that some third-party content may not fully comply. We are committed to working with third-party providers to improve accessibility and provide alternative solutions where necessary.

Key Points:

  • Third-Party Collaboration: Work with third-party providers to ensure their content meets accessibility standards.

  • Alternative Solutions: Provide accessible alternatives for third-party content that may not be fully compliant.

  • Monitoring and Review: Regularly review third-party content for accessibility compliance.

6. Contact Us for Accessibility Support

We are committed to ensuring that all users have access to our digital content. If you experience any difficulties accessing our website or have suggestions for improving accessibility, we encourage you to contact us. We are here to assist you and will work to address any accessibility issues promptly.

Key Points:

  • Support Available: Offer assistance to users experiencing accessibility challenges.

  • Feedback Encouraged: Welcome suggestions and feedback on how we can improve accessibility.

  • Prompt Response: Commit to addressing accessibility issues in a timely manner.

Contact Information:

VanCorp Inc.

7. Commitment to Future Accessibility Enhancements

VanCorp is dedicated to advancing our accessibility efforts as technology evolves and new standards emerge. We will continue to prioritize accessibility in our digital strategy and are committed to exploring new technologies and practices that enhance the inclusivity of our platforms.

Key Points:

  • Future-Ready: Stay ahead of accessibility advancements and integrate new solutions as they become available.

  • Innovation in Accessibility: Explore innovative technologies that improve digital accessibility.

  • Ongoing Commitment: Maintain a long-term commitment to inclusive access for all users.

VanCorp Inc.

To create a global positive impact by transforming lifestyles and enabling every individual on the planet to live harmoniously and efficiently.

Important Information

All investing is subject to risk including the possible loss of the money you invest.

*VanCorp Group is owned by Vanguard United Trust Company Inc. and its shareholders

© 2017-2024 The VanCorp, Inc. All rights reserved. Your use of this site signifies that you accept our terms & conditions of use

Accessibility Statement

Commitment to Inclusive Access

Accessibility Statement

Commitment to Inclusive Access

VanCorp Inc.

To create a global positive impact by transforming lifestyles and enabling every individual on the planet to live harmoniously and efficiently.

Important Information

All investing is subject to risk including the possible loss of the money you invest.

*VanCorp Group is owned by Vanguard United Trust Company Inc. and its shareholders

© 2017-2024 The VanCorp, Inc. All rights reserved. Your use of this site signifies that you accept our terms & conditions of use

VanCorp Inc.

To create a global positive impact by transforming lifestyles and enabling every individual on the planet to live harmoniously and efficiently.

Important Information

All investing is subject to risk including the possible loss of the money you invest.

*VanCorp Group is owned by Vanguard United Trust Company Inc. and its shareholders

© 2017-2024 The VanCorp, Inc. All rights reserved. Your use of this site signifies that you accept our terms & conditions of use

Accessibility Statement

Commitment to Inclusive Access

Accessibility Statement

Commitment to Inclusive Access

VanCorp Inc.

To create a global positive impact by transforming lifestyles and enabling every individual on the planet to live harmoniously and efficiently.

Important Information

All investing is subject to risk including the possible loss of the money you invest. *VanCorp Group is owned by Vanguard United Trust Company Inc. and its shareholders

© 2017-2024 The VanCorp, Inc. All rights reserved. Your use of this site signifies that you accept our terms & conditions of use

VanCorp Inc.

To create a global positive impact by transforming lifestyles and enabling every individual on the planet to live harmoniously and efficiently.

Important Information

All investing is subject to risk including the possible loss of the money you invest. *VanCorp Group is owned by Vanguard United Trust Company Inc. and its shareholders

© 2017-2024 The VanCorp, Inc. All rights reserved. Your use of this site signifies that you accept our terms & conditions of use